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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 17

The content focuses on strategies for tackling weaken questions on the GRE, emphasizing the importance of identifying assumptions within an argument to effectively weaken it.
  • Understanding the argument involves identifying the conclusion and the evidence supporting it.
  • The argument presented is a causal one, aiming to disprove a causal connection between soot and a certain ailment based on the presence of other pollutants.
  • Two major assumptions underlie the argument: other pollutants are as strongly or more strongly correlated with the ailment than soot, and nothing prevents these pollutants from being the cause of the ailment.
  • Answer choice analysis reveals that the correct option attacks one of these assumptions, demonstrating that soot remains correlated with the ailment even in the absence of other pollutants.
  • Other answer choices either strengthen the argument or are based on conditions not supported by the argument's premises.
Understanding Weaken Questions
Identifying the Argument's Structure
Dissecting the Argument's Assumptions
Analyzing Answer Choices