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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 1

The content provides an in-depth analysis of how to approach 'weaken the argument' questions on the GRE, focusing on identifying and attacking the assumptions underlying the argument.
  • Understanding the argument's conclusion and evidence is crucial for identifying its assumptions.
  • Assumptions in an argument are unstated premises that must be true for the argument's conclusion to be valid.
  • To weaken an argument, one must target its assumptions, which may involve questioning the study's sample size, bias, and representativeness.
  • The correct answer choice will directly undermine one of these assumptions, demonstrating that the argument's conclusion is not necessarily valid.
  • Analyzing answer choices involves distinguishing between those that strengthen, weaken, or are irrelevant to the argument.
Understanding 'Weaken the Argument' Questions
Identifying Assumptions
Analyzing Answer Choices