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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 6

The content provides an in-depth analysis of how to approach evaluate questions on the GRE, focusing on identifying assumptions within an argument by dissecting its components.
  • Evaluate questions are a mix between strengthen and weaken questions, asking to find information that could impact the argument's validity.
  • To analyze an argument, break it down into its conclusion and evidence, identifying any assumptions that imply a net benefit.
  • The correct answer choice will provide information that directly affects the argument's assumptions, either strengthening or weakening it.
  • Example provided illustrates dissecting an argument about a new drug's recommendation, highlighting the importance of considering additional factors like cost and efficacy in combination with other drugs.
  • The process of elimination is used to find the answer that best addresses the argument's assumptions.
Understanding Evaluate Questions
Dissecting the Argument
Analyzing Answer Choices
Identifying the Correct Answer