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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 25

Carl Pyrdum
Lesson by Carl Pyrdum
Magoosh Expert

The content delves into the analysis of a flaw question, focusing on identifying the logical misstep in an argument regarding Roberta's mood based on her actions and conditions.
  • A flaw question requires understanding the argument's conclusion and evidence, aiming to identify what makes the argument flawed.
  • The argument concludes Roberta is irritable based on evidence that is insufficient to prove irritability, only tiredness.
  • The core issue lies in a sufficiency and necessity problem, where the argument mistakenly treats a necessary condition (tiredness) as a sufficient condition for irritability.
  • Answer choices are analyzed to pinpoint the exact nature of the flaw, concluding that the argument confuses necessary and sufficient conditions.
  • The correct answer (E) identifies the argument's error in assuming tiredness as a sufficient condition to prove irritability.
Understanding Flaw Questions
Analyzing the Argument
Identifying the Logical Misstep
Evaluating Answer Choices