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Home>June 2007, Logical Reasoning 1, Question 14
Carl Pyrdum
Lesson by Carl Pyrdum
Magoosh Expert

The content provides an in-depth analysis of how to approach and solve a weaken question on the LSAT, focusing on identifying and attacking the argument's assumptions by understanding its conclusion and evidence.
  • Identifying the type of question is crucial; in this case, a weaken question requires attacking the argument's assumptions.
  • Understanding the argument involves discerning the conclusion marked by 'therefore' and analyzing the evidence provided.
  • The argument presents a causal relationship suggesting microwaves, not the heat they generate, destroy a specific enzyme in milk, based on comparative experiments.
  • The core assumption for this argument is that there's no alternate cause for the enzyme's destruction other than the microwaves.
  • The correct answer will provide an alternate cause, thereby weakening the argument; answer choice E does this by suggesting microwaves create hot zones that could destroy the enzyme.
Understanding Weaken Questions
Analyzing the Argument
Identifying the Assumption
Evaluating Answer Choices