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June 2007, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 19

The essence of tackling a strengthen question on the GRE involves identifying the argument's conclusion and supporting evidence, then discerning and bridging the gaps between them.
  • A strengthen question requires supporting the argument's assumptions by understanding its conclusion and evidence.
  • The argument's conclusion posits that government intrusion in voters' lives will not significantly reduce over time in democracies.
  • The evidence suggests a cause and effect chain: politicians promise to solve problems, which requires money, leading to taxes and increased government intrusion.
  • Identifying gaps is crucial; in this case, the gap is whether politicians fulfill their promises of assistance.
  • The correct answer choice strengthens the argument by confirming that politicians usually keep their campaign promises, thus maintaining the cause and effect chain.
Understanding Strengthen Questions
Identifying and Bridging Gaps
Evaluating Answer Choices