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June 2007, Logical Reasoning 2, Question 3


Question three, when you're presented with a dialogue, and asked what would provide the most support for what the two people would disagree over, then you're doing a point-at-issue question. On a point-at-issue question, your job is to prove that the two people either agree or disagree, depending on which one asks. Here, it's asking for their disagreement.

In order to do these questions, you wanna read through the stimulus, make sure you understand what each person has said. And then look in the answer choices for something you can prove they disagree about. They don't have to say it directly, but it has to be provable from what they have said directly.

Even though Carolyn and Arnold here are making arguments, don't concern yourself with the arguments' conclusion, or evidence, or anything like that. This is just a series of statements that we know that they believe. Carolyn tells us two things. There's this artist out there, Marc Quinn, who has created what he calls a conceptual portrait of a guy named Sir John Sulston, out of his DNA.

And the second thing Carolyn tells us is, to be a portrait, something has to bear a recognizable resemblance to its subject. So Carolyn establishes a requirement for something being a portrait. Arnold also tells us two things. Quinn's conceptual portrait is maximally realistic, and Quinn's portrait holds all the actual instructions that you need in order to make Sir John Sulston.

As we go to the answer choices, we can apply a three-step checklist to every answer choice. We're looking for something that, one, we can prove what Carolyn thinks. Two, we can prove what Arnold thinks, and three, they disagree. So answer choice A, whether the conceptual portrait should be considered art. I have no clue whether Carolyn thinks that it should be considered art.

I mean, she does say that Marc Quinn is an artist, but I don't know if that means that she should think that it's art. So I don't know what Carolyn thinks about this, it doesn't matter what Arnold thinks, it's not my answer. Answer choice B, whether the portrait should be considered Quinn's work. Well, this would be something that they both agree about.

Carolyn says that this is by the artist Marc Quinn, and so does Arnold. Quinn's conceptual portrait, it's his portrait. So since it's something they agree about, it's not my answer. Answer choice C, whether the portrait bears a recognizable resemblance to Sulston. Now, Carolyn definitely has a view about this.

Carolyn says that it has to have a recognizable resemblance, and it doesn't. But what Arnold thinks about this, I don't know, so that's not my answer. Go to answer choice D, whether the portrait contains instructions according to which Sulston was created. Arnold definitely has a view about that, but Carolyn doesn't mention anything about whether it contains the instructions.

Carolyn does say that it has DNA, but I don't know if Carolyn thinks that the DNA contains all the instructions. So I can't pick answer choice D, which means that it must be answer choice E, by default. Whether the portrait is actually a portrait of Sulston, this is something I can prove they disagree about.

Carolyn says, in order for something to be portrait, it has to have a recognizable resemblance to its portrait, and Quinn's portrait is just some DNA. Arnold disagrees, because Arnold says that's a maximally realistic portrait. Whatever that means, it's still a portrait, maximally realistic portraits are portraits. So Arnold thinks it is a portrait, Carolyn thinks it isn't, they disagree, so E is my answer.

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