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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 1, Question 13

The essence of flaw questions on the GRE involves identifying errors within an argument by understanding its conclusion and evidence, and recognizing common logical fallacies.
  • Flaw questions require a clear understanding of the argument's conclusion and the evidence supporting it.
  • A common error in arguments is the percent versus number flaw, where the argument confuses rates with absolute numbers.
  • Another error is concept shift, where the argument shifts between concepts without acknowledging it, such as confusing 'helping to reduce' with 'reducing'.
  • Identifying the flaw involves recognizing what the argument fails to consider, such as other possible explanations or outcomes.
  • The correct answer choice addresses the argument's oversight or misinterpretation, providing insight into logical reasoning skills essential for the GRE.
Understanding Flaw Questions
Identifying the Argument's Conclusion and Evidence
Common Errors in Arguments
Analyzing the Answer Choices