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PrepTest 73, Logical Reasoning 1, Question 5

The content focuses on identifying and understanding the flaw in an argument within the context of a GRE question, specifically through the analysis of an argument about Lemaitre's theory.
  • Understanding the flaw in an argument requires identifying the argument's conclusion and evidence.
  • Lemaitre's theory suggests the universe began with a primeval atom explosion, which is evidenced by galaxies accelerating away from each other.
  • The argument's flaw is the assumption that Lemaitre's theory is inadequate because another theory predicts the same outcome.
  • The correct answer choice (D) highlights that one theory predicting data correctly does not invalidate an alternative theory.
  • Other answer choices are dismissed because they misinterpret the argument's structure or the nature of its logical error.
Understanding Argument Flaws
Analyzing Lemaitre's Theory
Identifying the Logical Error
Evaluating Answer Choices