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PrepTest 73, Game 1, Question 7


There's one final local question and a game that is lousy with them. That means to do local sketch incorporating our new local condition which is if W is first. Now on the face of it, this doesn't immediately trigger anything. It's true that rule three would be triggered W would have to be in front of R and T, but if W is first it has to be in front of everyone.

So, when an F doesn't seem to do anything you need to look at the rules to see if there's anything that you can use to gain attraction. Anything you could use to maybe divide this sketch up. So, of the people remaining S, R, T and V, there is a rule that says T has to be in front of R and S or after R and S. So, consider that In each scenario, S would have to be in front of V.

So add those to a little tree that you draw to the side and now make a new set of spaces and consider what happens with each of them. Granted it's not a lot, in the top sketch there a lot of things could happen, R and S are in front of T. S is in front of T and V. In the bottom sketch at least we could say that T has to come second, because everything has to follow it.

But this is enough of a sketch to get us an answer here. This is a local question asking for something that must be false. In other words, something that can't be true. And answer choice A says that T is the third piece, which actually can't be true. In the first scenario, where W was up front, we have R and S who have to be in front of T, which would push T back to forth at the earliest, and in the bottom sketch T is second.

So yeah, there's no way that T could be third, that is our answer. As always on the day of the test, you really want to trust your work. So if you sketch this out and you found this out, you should pick A. But to see why the other answers are wrong, answer choice B says that V is third which could be true. In the top scenario it could go W, S, V, and then R and T later on.

Answer choice C says that S is fourth which could be true in the bottom sketch. We could go W, T, R, and then put S and V. Answer choice D says that V is fourth, which could be true in that very same sketch. It could go W, T then S, V and R, and finally answer choice E says that T is the last piece which could happen there in that first sketch.

It could go W, R, S, V, T. So since all the others can happen and we are looking for something that can't happen, answer choice A is our answer, then we only have one question left.

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