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June 2007, Game 2, Question 10

The content provides a strategic approach to solving a specific GRE question type, focusing on the importance of sketching, rule application, and exploring all possible scenarios to find the correct answer.
  • Question 10 is a local question that introduces a new rule, requiring the placement of 'limelight' (L) three times with specific conditions.
  • A critical strategy is to sketch out scenarios, especially when the question involves sequential placement with constraints, such as 'H going last on Thursday'.
  • Exploring all possible scenarios by creating multiple sketches based on the rules provided is essential for solving the question accurately.
  • The solution involves determining the possible positions for 'G' and 'H' based on the rules and the sketches made, leading to identifying 'G' or 'L' as the first film on Thursday.
  • The final step is to revisit any unanswered questions, in this case, question 7, after systematically solving the others.
Understanding the Question
Exploring Scenarios
Determining Possible Positions
Finalizing the Answer