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June 2007, Game 2, Question 10

Carl Pyrdum
Lesson by Carl Pyrdum
Magoosh Expert

The content provides a detailed walkthrough on solving a specific local question on the LSAT, focusing on strategic sketching and rule application.
  • Question 10 is similar to question 9, involving a rule that requires strategic placement of elements, specifically 'limelight' (L) and 'harvest' (H), across different days.
  • A key strategy is to build sketches based on the given rules, such as H going last on Thursday and L's placement affecting G's options.
  • Exploring all possible scenarios by creating multiple sketches helps in accurately determining the answer, showcasing the importance of flexibility in approach.
  • The solution process involves deducing that the first film on Thursday could either be G or L, based on the rules provided and the sketches made.
  • The walkthrough concludes with the correct answer selection and a reminder to revisit any previously skipped questions, emphasizing a methodical approach to tackling the LSAT.
Understanding the Question Structure
Exploring Possible Scenarios
Determining the Answer