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June 2007, Game 3, Setup

Carl Pyrdum
Lesson by Carl Pyrdum
Magoosh Expert

The LSAT prep content focuses on mastering a complex sequencing game, highlighting strategies for organizing and applying rules to schedule destinations over seven weeks with specific constraints.
  • Understanding the game involves recognizing it as a sequencing challenge with a limited number of destinations to be scheduled across more weeks than there are destinations, necessitating repetition.
  • A master diagram is essential, listing known destinations and incorporating rules such as restrictions on when certain destinations can be scheduled and the requirement that each destination appears at least once.
  • Key rules include prohibitions on scheduling destinations in consecutive weeks and specific sequencing requirements, like scheduling Guadalupe before Jamaica and Trinidad in the final week.
  • Strategies for approaching the game include breaking down complex rules into manageable parts, considering the implications of each rule individually and in combination, and deciding whether to sketch multiple scenarios upfront or rely on if-then questions to navigate the game.
  • The content underscores the importance of a methodical approach to interpreting and applying rules to solve sequencing games effectively.
Understanding the Game's Complexity
Constructing the Master Diagram
Deciphering and Applying Rules
Strategic Approach to Game Solving