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June 2007, Game 3, Question 16

The segment focuses on strategies for tackling local and partial solution questions on the GRE, specifically through the lens of a question asking for an accurate list of spaces in weeks four and five.
  • Local questions are identified by their initiation with 'if', indicating a specific scenario to be considered.
  • Partial solution questions narrow the focus to a subset of the overall problem, in this case, specific weeks rather than the entire timeline.
  • Rewriting answers onto scratch paper, incorporating rules to eliminate incorrect options, is highlighted as an effective strategy.
  • Applying specific rules related to the arrangement of elements can systematically exclude wrong answer choices.
  • The correct answer is deduced through a process of elimination and understanding the placement rules of elements within the given scenario.
Understanding Local and Partial Solution Questions
Strategies for Answering Partial Solution Questions
Applying Rules to Eliminate Incorrect Answers
Determining the Correct Answer Through Elimination