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June 2007, Game 2, Question 6

The content provides a detailed strategy for tackling global questions on the GRE, specifically focusing on identifying a complete possible outcome by adhering to given rules and eliminating incorrect answer choices.
  • Global questions require a list of outcomes that adhere to specific rules.
  • The first step involves picking a rule and identifying any violations among the answer choices.
  • Three key rules are highlighted: H must be last on Thursday, the last film on Friday must be G or L (but not both), and on Saturday, the film must be either G or H (but not both).
  • If multiple answers remain after applying all rules, revisit the original rules to find any overlooked details.
  • The correct answer is identified by ensuring each film is shown at least once during the festival, leading to the elimination of choices that do not meet this criterion.
Understanding Global Questions
Final Verification