June 2007, Game 2, Setup
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The content provides an in-depth analysis of a hybrid LSAT game, combining elements of ordering and floating grouping, with a focus on strategizing for the LSAT exam.
- The game involves arranging three films over three days, with the possibility of showing more than one film per day but at least one film must be shown each day.
- A modified ordering sketch is introduced to accommodate the possibility of up to three films being shown on a single day.
- Rules of the game primarily focus on the film shown last on each day, necessitating a new symbol to indicate the end of the day.
- An important strategy is to note restrictions on film combinations on Friday and Saturday, which impacts the total possible screenings.
- The approach to tackling questions includes starting with global questions to establish a possible outcome, followed by local questions that allow for more detailed game play.
Understanding the Hybrid Game
Sketching the Game Setup
Strategizing Question Approach