June 2007, Game 2, Question 7
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The passage provides a detailed walkthrough on how to approach a global question in the LSAT, specifically focusing on identifying what cannot be true based on the original rules of a logic game.
- Global questions should be tackled at the end, utilizing all previous sketches and information to eliminate incorrect answers.
- Answer choice A is identified as incorrect because it violates the original rules, demonstrating the importance of referring back to the initial game setup.
- Quick sketches are recommended for testing the validity of other answer choices, emphasizing efficiency and the utility of previous work.
- The passage illustrates how to systematically disprove other answer choices by creating scenarios that adhere to the game's rules.
- The correct approach to global questions and the strategic order of answering can significantly reduce the workload and increase accuracy.
Global Question Strategy
Disproving Answer Choice A
Efficiency in Sketching
Concluding the Logic Game