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PrepTest 73, Game 3, Question 14

Carl Pyrdum
Lesson by Carl Pyrdum
Magoosh Expert

The content provides a step-by-step guide on how to approach and solve a solution question on the LSAT, focusing on applying rules to eliminate incorrect answer choices systematically.
  • Identify solution questions by the format of the answer choices, which are lists placing everyone in a specific order or group.
  • Apply the first rule to eliminate any answer choices that do not comply, such as those violating the requirement for the Williams to have more buildings than the Yandells.
  • Proceed to apply subsequent rules to further narrow down the options, eliminating those that pair prohibited combinations or fail to meet specified needs.
  • The correct answer is identified as the one remaining choice that does not violate any of the established rules.
Identifying Solution Questions
Applying the First Rule
Applying Subsequent Rules
Determining the Correct Answer