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PrepTest 78, Passage 2, Question 8

In using the phrase, something to display, in lines 12 through 13, the author most probably means that, so this is a specific reference question. We've pulled a part of the paragraph where this specific reference is. So the first way was for a member of the elite to engage in well-known artists to produce something for display. And of course, the first way here is referring to ways in which the elites sort of participated in the art world.

For instance, if one commissions a famous architect to design one's house, that may reflect great credit on one's taste, even if one finds the house impossible to live in. So how this is characterized here is, terms of producing art for something to display. It seems to be more for an external validation, the author mentions the house built by the famous architect.

That, even though it might not necessarily be possible to even live in it, was designed by a famous architect, and ostensibly it looks good or something to look at. So it's more of the art was commissioned for an external validation, as opposed any real internal value or sort of personal attachment. So the correct answer is C, was meant to create an impression that reflected positively on the patron.

So the context tells us that the art was created as something to display. And as we just discussed, it was sort of this external validation of, look what I have done, I've had the famous architect commission my house that I can't live in. So it's not necessarily for the good or the enjoyment of the patron, but more so for them to project out. And to somehow use that to look good to others, and elevate their status, possibly if we're taking some context clues from the rest of the passage.

So this most closely reflects why the author refers to something to display in the passage. We'll just look at one of these tricky answer choices in this set. Answer choice E, provided the patron with personal satisfaction. This is an answer that is often chosen, but the authors in this section include an example that will help you eliminate this choice.

So the example of the patrons having a house designed by a famous architect, even if they couldn't live in it. Points to the fact that patrons prioritize this sort of the prestige of having the art done, rather than comfort or practicality. So it's again, going back to this sort of external validation of what the art means for them and their status, as opposed to what the art means to them.

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