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PrepTest 78, Game 1, Question 3

The analysis of a GRE prep question demonstrates a strategic approach to solving a logic game by identifying conditions that allow a specific outcome, in this case, making V the project leader.
  • The question is treated as a global question due to its nature of asking what could be true under a specific condition, making V the project leader.
  • A local diagram is used to visually represent the conditions and inferences drawn from the rules provided in the game.
  • Key inferences include eliminating Q and R from leadership based on the first rule, deducing that T must always be in based on the second rule, and determining the possible in and out status of S and X.
  • The correct answer is identified by process of elimination, where each incorrect option is shown to violate the established rules and conditions for V to be project leader.
  • The explanation clarifies common misconceptions and illustrates the logical steps to arrive at the solution, emphasizing the importance of understanding the directionality of conditions.
Understanding the Question Type
Applying Rules to Determine Project Leadership
Inferences and Logical Deductions
Identifying the Correct Answer