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Home>PrepTest 78, Game 1, Question 2
Kevin Lin
Lesson by Kevin Lin
Magoosh Expert

The analysis of PT 78's second question demonstrates the strategic approach to solving LSAT logical reasoning questions, focusing on the application of rules to deduce the correct answer.
  • Introduction of a local question scenario where T is the project leader and W is a project member, necessitating a local diagram.
  • Application of rules to exclude certain options (Q, R, and V) based on the given scenario and the roles of T and W.
  • Clarification on the misinterpretation of rule number two, emphasizing the unidirectional relationship between S and T's selection.
  • Deduction that the third project member must be either S or X, leading to the identification of the correct answer choice D.
Understanding the Local Question
Applying the Rules
Navigating Misinterpretations
Identifying the Correct Answer