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PrepTest 79, Game 2, Question 6

The content provides a detailed explanation on how to approach and solve a classic list question on the GRE, focusing on assigning rangers to park areas based on specific rules.
  • The correct answer is identified through a process of elimination and adherence to the rules set out in the master diagram.
  • Key rules include M must be in area 3, P and O can only be in area 1, and conditional placements depending on where O is located.
  • The explanation covers the importance of checking each answer choice against the rules, highlighting common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  • Incorrect answer choices are analyzed to demonstrate how overlooking a rule or misinterpreting the conditions can lead to wrong conclusions.
  • The walkthrough of the correct and incorrect answers provides a strategic approach to tackling list questions effectively.
Understanding the Question
Identifying the Correct Answer
Reviewing Incorrect Answers