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PrepTest 78, Game 2, Question 9

The analysis focuses on solving a global question from PT 78, Game number 2, determining which students can be assigned to slot number 1 in 1921.
  • The solution involves testing each student to see if they can fit in slot number 1, considering the constraints provided.
  • R cannot be in slot number 1 as O must be immediately before it, eliminating R from the possibilities.
  • L and T are also eliminated as potential candidates for slot number 1 due to the inability to fit the OR block according to the rules.
  • M, O, and Y are identified as the students who can be assigned to slot number 1, making the answer choice D.
  • Common mistakes likely stem from overlooking the constraints on L and T, leading to incorrect selections.
Introduction to the Problem
Elimination of R, L, and T
Confirmation of M, O, and Y