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PrepTest 73, Passage 4, Question 24


Question 24 asked for the relationship between the two passages. We call that a comparative question. The relationship should always be on your mind as you're reading the passages before you go into the question. And you probably already know the answer here, though this question is a little unique as comparative questions go because it asks us to compare the entirety of the first passage with just a part of the other.

Passage A against passage B's second paragraph. Usually it'll be entire passage to entire passage. But from our notes, we should be able to make a pretty good prediction. Passage B's second half, its second paragraph is just an application of the theories like the one introduced in passage A, the third principle of justice, the rectification of injustice.

So that's the relationship we're looking for, answer choice A. The second paragraph pass would be attempts to develop a broader version of the theory presented in passage A. This would be if passage B were also theoretical, but it's not, it's practical. Answer choice B, the second paragraph of B purports to state facts that bolster the argument made in passage A.

The word purports is really the problem there. Passage B is not written as though it is responding directly to A. It's using similar principles. But it's not responding to it so it's not purporting to do anything. Answer choice C, the argument in the second paragraph of passage B structurally parallel to the argument in passage A, but the subject matter of the two is different.

Well, there isn't subject matter in the first argument. The first passage is entirely theoretical. So we're not dealing like one passage on Ancient Rome, one passage on North America. So C is not our answer. Answer choice D.

A presents a theory that tends to support the argument presented in the second paragraph of passage B. Sure, the theory is the theory of rectification. The argument made in the second paragraph is that we need something like rectification. In order to account for cases like where the Native Americans who were invaded by the Europeans and their property was stolen, in violation of the first two rules.

So answer choice D matches the relationship. What's wrong with E? Well, passage B is not attempting to undermine anything. It's supporting, or it's in line with at least. So the right answer was answer choice D.

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