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PrepTest 73, Passage 4, Question 23

The content focuses on tackling detail questions in the GRE, specifically those requiring identification of information explicitly mentioned in both passages of a comparative reading section.
  • Detail questions ask for something directly stated in the passage, often seeking details found in both or only one of the compared passages.
  • The example provided illustrates finding a detail mentioned in both passages about the transfer of property, highlighting the importance of thorough reading and note-taking.
  • Answer choice A (transfer of property from one owner to another) is confirmed as correct by cross-referencing details noted from both passages.
  • Other answer choices are systematically evaluated and dismissed based on their presence or absence in the respective passages, demonstrating a methodical approach to elimination.
  • The process emphasizes the necessity of distinguishing between different bases (philosophical vs. legal) and contexts (ideal vs. practical) presented in the passages.
Understanding Detail Questions
Identifying Correct Answers
Eliminating Incorrect Answers