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PrepTest 73, Passage 4, Setup

The content provides an in-depth analysis of a GRE exam law passage, focusing on the comparative analysis of two passages discussing principles of justice in relation to property.
  • Passage A introduces two theoretical principles of justice concerning property: acquisition and transfer, and discusses their application in an ideal and real-world context.
  • It also introduces a third principle, the principle of rectification, necessary for addressing violations of the first two principles in the real world.
  • Passage B presents a practical example of these principles through the Indian Non-Intercourse Act, highlighting real-world applications and exceptions.
  • The relationship between the two passages is central to understanding the comparative analysis required, with Passage B serving as a practical illustration of Passage A's theoretical principles.
  • The analysis concludes with the necessity of compromises in applying these principles, emphasizing the complexity of justice in property matters.
Introduction to Comparative Analysis
Theoretical Principles of Justice
Practical Application and Exceptions