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PrepTest 73, Passage 3, Question 18

The essence of the content revolves around dissecting a GRE question that asks for the main function of the first paragraph in a given passage, focusing on how to accurately identify the paragraph's purpose.
  • The first paragraph introduces critics and Marcuse's views on advertisements, setting the stage for an argument the author will later challenge.
  • The correct answer choice must accurately reflect the content and purpose of the first paragraph, excluding irrelevant details or contexts not mentioned.
  • Answer choices that misalign with the paragraph's content, such as discussing the political and economic context or the mechanisms of false needs, are incorrect.
  • The correct answer is one that directly describes the views presented in the first paragraph, specifically the criticisms of advertising as outlined by Marcuse and some critics.
Understanding the Question
Analyzing the Answer Choices
Identifying the Correct Answer