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June 2007, Passage 4, Question 27


Question 27. So question 27 is a structure question. Sometimes questions just pull out parts of the passage and ask how they relate to the passage as a whole. So here they want to know about the relationship between the second and the final paragraph.

Now if we look at our notes, we know that in the second paragraph, that's where they presented us with the new method, looking at pollen grains and the final paragraph is where they gave us some limits to that method. The limits being that if the cultivated plant and the wild plant are too similar, this isn't gonna work so well. So that's what we're looking for on the answer choices.

Paragraph two gives us a method. Paragraph five gives us a limitation on that method. So answer choice A says the second paragraph proposes a hypothesis for which the final paragraph offers a supporting example. Well, that final paragraph isn't a supporting example, it's a limitation. So it's not A.

B says the final paragraph describes a problem that must be solved. Well no, it's a limitation. It's not a problem. It's just saying, well you can't use it in this cases. So problem as they're describing it here would be something it's like you can't use pollen analysis until you get this cleared up.

We know that they've been using pollen analysis already in paragraph three and four, they used pollen grain analysis to discover some stuff. So it's not that you have to fix this problem in order to use it. It's a limit that you have to be aware of if you're going to use it. So B is not our answer. So C, the final paragraph qualifies the claim made in the second paragraph.

Here they're flexing their synonym muscles, so it qualifies. Well a limitation is a type of qualification. So it is qualifying the claim made in the second paragraph and the claim in the second paragraph is that you can use pollen grain analysis to supplement the documentary record. You can use it, but it's a little bit limited in certain cases.

That's the qualification. So C is our answer. Let's take a look at the other two to see why they're not the answer. Answer choice D says, the second paragraph describes a view against which the author intends to argue. Well the author isn't arguing against the method.

The author thinks the method works and so the final paragraph isn't their argument against it, it's just a limitation. Answer choice E, the final paragraph offers procedures. There aren't procedures in the final paragraph. There's a limitation but they don't lay out any new steps or anything like that. So answer choice E is not our answer.

The answer is answer choice C and with that, we have finished the passage

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