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June 2007, Passage 4, Question 24

The passage provides a detailed analysis of how pollen analyses have debunked certain historical agricultural beliefs, specifically regarding the cultivation of cereal grains in Ireland.
  • Pollen analyses have disproved the belief that cereal grains were not cultivated in certain parts of County Down before the seventh century.
  • The passage indicates that the introduction of the moldboard plough in Ireland and its association with cereal grain cultivation does not negate earlier cultivation practices.
  • Evidence from pollen analysis suggests that cereal grains were being grown before the moldboard plough was introduced, challenging previous historical views.
  • The passage clarifies that while the moldboard plough facilitated cereal grain cultivation, it was not a prerequisite for it, as evidenced by pollen analysis findings.
Understanding Pollen Analysis
Debunking Historical Agricultural Beliefs
The Role of the Moldboard Plough in Cereal Grain Cultivation