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June 2007, Game 4, Question 22

The analysis of a GRE question reveals the logical steps required to deduce the correct answer based on given conditions and the relationships between different centers' activities.
  • The question is a local 'must be true' type, focusing on the activities of three centers when one of them is assigned a specific task.
  • Center 3 doing glass imposes restrictions on the activities of Centers 1 and 2, particularly that Center 2 cannot do plastic, necessitating Center 1 to handle it.
  • The spatial limitations and shared activities between Centers 1 and 2 lead to the deduction that both will engage in newsprint, leaving Center 3 with the remaining option.
  • The correct answer is identified through a process of elimination, considering what each center can and cannot do based on the initial conditions and subsequent deductions.
  • The explanation underscores the importance of closely following the given conditions and logically navigating through the possibilities to arrive at the must-be-true conclusion.
Understanding the Question
Concluding the Correct Answer